I believe advertising is an exchange. You listen to our message, and in return, we entertain you. Anything less is just disrespectful to an audience that has better things to do.

What the FAQ?
What’s up with the unicorn thing?
It’s an industry term for creatively, technically, or strategically ambidextrous people. It’s hard to believe they exist. But I’ve pinched myself several times and every time I’m still here.
What are some things you do?
Copywriting, art direction, web design, brand naming, AI comping, photoshop comping, retouching, illustration… a lot of things. But I can’t juggle bowling pins, throw my voice, or do that whistle with the fingers thingy.
Do you work alone or with partners?
Do you prefer working with Copywriters or Art Directors?
It’s 2024. I love the creative, not the label. Copywriters are fun to concept with and deepen the thinking. Art Directors introduce fresh styles that push the work to new places.
How do I know when you were AD and when you were CW?
I’ve also used color to indicate if I’m featuring art, copy, or both. Or check the credits on the project — there’s plenty to go around.
Do you have a horn?
It’s rude to ask that.
What cities do you work out of?
Mostly New York. Sometimes LA.
Do you have any other artistic ventures?
Besides art direction, copywriting, illustration? Sure. I’ve written screenplays for fun, a memoir for therapy, and done standup just to test out a what if.
Conversation Starters
Countries visited: Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Germany, Greece, England, France, India, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Morocco, The Netherlands, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey.
Next Countries: Japan and Ireland.
Favorite Movie: Boogie Nights.
Favorite music genres: New Wave, 2010s Indie, Motown, AM Gold, and Classic Rock.
Party trick: Jumping over my own leg, a la Kid N’ Play 1990.
Really? You can do that?: Yes.
Archnemresis: Typos.
Odd Jobs: I used to teach SVA ad classes off the books.
For a spell after college, I sold Peruvian paintings for a Canadian company to American art galleries.
And in the mid-2000s, I was arguably the most prolific pet portrait painter in the world.
Also country club snack boy.
Unexpected hobbies: Wine, boxing, word games, and falling into Wikipedia holes.
Proudest accomplishments of 2023: Lost 30 lbs, performed standup at Gotham, and got married in France.
Patronus: Mole.
Winner Best Community Building Campaign Rapyd Hack the Galaxy
The Drum Awards
Best Out of Home in Multi-channel Strategy Grubhub That Grubhub Feeling
Silver Affinity Federal Credit Union Kung Fee
Bronze Affinity Federal Credit Union Fat Cats
Silver (2x) Fathead The Littlest Designer
Silver Reader’s Digest Read Up
Bronze (4x) Reader’s Digest Read Up
Silver (2x) L’Auberge Hotel and Casino Resort Play Legendary
Shortlisted Rapyd Hack the Galaxy
Best In Show Print District II FreshDirect
Gold OOH District II FreshDirect
Silver OOH New York FreshDirect
Silver Baton Rouge (2x) L’Auberge Hotel and Casino Resort Play Legendary
Silver Integrated Campaign New York Double Cross Vodka
Gold Small Agency of the Year, Northeast (3x) DiMassimo Goldstein